Once upon a time in a land far away, there lived a family that went by the name of Flats. Everything in their world was FLAT. When opened, the Flats House pops open for hours of imaginative play. The walls then fold in toward the center and the handles come together to carry flat.
Other Materials Needed:
- Coordinating Thread
- Scissors
- Tape Measure
- Straight Pins
- Iron
- Fabric Pencil or Marker
- Rotary Cutter
- Ruler
- Mat
Fabrics shown... Flats by Angela Yosten for Moda Fabrics.
Other Materials Needed:
- Coordinating Thread
- Scissors
- Tape Measure
- Straight Pins
- Iron
- Fabric Pencil or Marker
- Rotary Cutter
- Ruler
- Mat
Fabrics shown... Flats by Angela Yosten for Moda Fabrics.