These sock animals love hanging out on shirts, bags, & more. Applique templates for Pig, Hippo, Elephant, Giraffe & Monkey.
Supply List:
{featuring Original Rockford Red Heel Socks as the appliqué material for the 5 animal faces.}
Pig… 1 Large Sock will make 2 pigs
Hippo… 1 Large Sock will make 1 Hippo
Elephant… 1 Large Sock will make 1 Elephant
Giraffe… 1 Large Sock will make 2 Giraffes
Monkey… 1 Large Sock will make 1 Monkey
1/4 yard Fusible Web (Pellon Wonder-Under)
1/4 yard Fusible Interfacing (Pellon SF-101)
2 buttons for each animal {eyes}
5” square of scrap fabric for each item:
bow, hat, mouth, etc. {refer to the templates to
see what scraps you need}
Shirt, Bag, or other item to appliqué on.
Other materials needed:
Coordinating Thread, Hand Needle, Scissors, Iron, Fabric Pencil or Marker.
Fabrics shown... Original Rockford Red Heel Socks by Fox River Mills. Scrap pieces are by Moda Fabrics.